Monday 10 October 2011

Welcome to Term 4!

Here we go . . . Term 4 is underway!  Can you believe it?  Here's hoping everyone enjoyed a wonderful relaxing break!  Over the holidays, Mrs Phillpotts, Mrs. Murray & Myself had a big clean-up in one of our Kindergarten storage sheds and you'd be surprised at what wonderful treasures we discovered - well - yes, there were some things that we didn't consider to be such wonderful treasures BUT we are looking forward to sharing some of the good stuff with your children over the remainder of the year!

It is our aim that through the East Sale Kindergarten Blog you'll not only be kept updated with things that are going on within our environment BUT also some of the daily learning that your child is experiencing too!

We're adding information about the Early Years Learning Framework - including the 8 Practice Principles that underpin our Early Childhood Education and also the 5 Learning Outcomes we work towards with each & every child in our care.

We hope you find this *new* format of communication interesting & beneficial and we do look forward to hearing your feedback in the coming weeks!  Please feel free to let Kim or myself know of things that may be of interest to you OR that you would like to see us feature!

Mrs. Fyfe

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