Monday 20 August 2012


Don't forget that Enrolments into our 3 & 4 Year Old Programs for 2013 have now commenced.  It is essential that you get your child's Enrolment Form to UnitingCare Gippsland as soon as possible to ensure that your child will have a place in one of our Kindergarten Programs in 2013.

2013 will see East Sale Kindergarten operate the following programs:
  • 4 Year Old Program - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 9am until 2pm
  • 3 Year Old Program - Friday - 9am until 1pm

PLEASE REMEMBER - East Sale Kindergarten Enrolments will close on August 31st, 2012.  Please get your child's Enrolment Form in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment - places will be offered to eligible children in order of receipt, so it's important once you have collected & completed your child's Enrolment Form - get it sent in to UnitingCare Gippsland to avoid having your child placed on our 2013 Waiting List!

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