Wednesday 13 March 2013

Block Scales

We are already beginning to see a particular group of boys in our 4 Year Old Program this year get quite creative with their block constructions. Often we see wonderful cities created with blocks laid end to end to represent roads between them BUT this year we are seeing more complex structures involving height, balance & size comparision!
Today I observed a small group of four (4) children who were closely huddled over a small block construction - their closeness prevented me actually seeing fully what they had created but by the laughter & sighs of 'Ohhh' going on, I went over to investigate. Here's what I discovered!

Upon asking what the group of children had created, I quickly learnt that they had made some scales. The children told me that you need to put the same amount of blocks on each side of the scales otherwise it tips & then all the blocks slide off. The children counted the blocks on each side of the scales as they placed them on - they reached 6 quite quickly - counting one block to one number as they went along. When one child tried to add another block to a side that was higher, the group quickly told him "No - You need to put it on the other side", to which the child obligued!
One child told me that you could put lots of blocks in the middle because that doesn't make the scales tip - "It's only the ends that are tippy you know!" Another child told me - "I can put two (2) of these blocks on this end cause they're only small!" Too which another told me - "Yeah - smaller things aren't as heavy & big things!" Mmm - well - fancy that! Did you know that 4 Year Old children know so much about scales, balancing & number?
It will be very interesting to see what response we have to our new wooden blocks when they arrive . . . we have our fingers crossed that they'll be here by the end of the month! The children can't wait!
Mrs. Fyfe & Denise

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