Thursday 7 February 2013

Individual Creative Expression!

We certainly have some very creative children in our 4 Year Old Program this year at East Sale Kindergarten - children who love to get busy with paint - whether it's at the table OR standing at the easel - the children just love it & will quite happily stand nearby waiting for their turn!

Charlotte's Mum

Some of the children are paying quite particular attention to their creative work too! The detail in some of the children's paintings is just amazing - especially at this early time in the year!

Cooper's huge rainbow in the sky!

This week we've had large long handled brushes at the easel & even with these, a great number of the children have produced quite detailed paintings with lots of colour. Other children are having a wonderful time exploring shape, colour & patterns as they paint.
I have an interesting story that I want to share from today too - something that demonstrates what a child brings home from Kindergarten as the end product of their creativity isn't necessarily what you might think . . .
One child spent approximately 10 minutes painting their house & family today - it was a tall house, complete with a door & windows, grass in the garden & a tree beside the house around which all the family was painted. It was a obviously a beautiful day because there was also a smiling sun in the sky! As I stood & talked to the child in great detail about what they had painted & who all the people were, they proceeded to quickly swipe their brush backwards & forwards across the page, covering it all in purple paint & totally obliterating the 'beautiful' painting they had created. More & more purple paint was retrieved on the brush & I have to admit I was quite surprised at this child's actions BUT I quickly learnt a valuable message when I listened further . . .
"It's night time now. When it's night time, it's dark outside & you can't see anything. Everyone's gone to bed & turned out all the lights. Everyone's asleep."
We shouldn't be too quick to jump to conclusions - even though this child took home a painting that was totally purple in colour, there was a wealth of creativity, language & purpose behind their individual expression!
Mrs. Fyfe, Mrs. Murray & Denise

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