Thursday 14 February 2013

Outdoor Block Cubby House

There is one thing that the children have already showed they love to do when they are outside at East Sale Kindergarten and that is to build a large cubby house with the large outdoor wooden blocks!

It's been wonderful at this early time in the year, to see a group of children working together to complete a group idea - to build a cubby house! It will be interesting to see with time how the designs of the cubby house change & whether other ideas are incorporated into this play area as well!
We've been most impressed to see that they've even kept it standing for the whole session & asked if we can leave it set up for their next day! That's one advantage of having the children come to Kindergarten for three (3) days in a row . . . play experiences can continue from one day to the next!
Mrs. Fyfe, Mrs. Murray & Denise

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