Thursday 8 November 2012

Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit

Today we decided to use up more of those delicious Avocados that we'd been given to make some 'Avo-Coco Ice Cream' - after taking a vote, we realised that no-one had ever had Avocado Ice Cream, so we were really looking forward to seeing what it tasted like!

Avo-Coco Ice Cream

Puree 2 Avocados. Add 1/2 cup Sugar, 1 1/2 cups of Milk, 1 cup of Coconut Cream (or Milk) and a squeeze of Lemon Juice and puree in a blender or processor until smooth.  Pour into an Ice Cream Machine OR into a bowl or tray and freezr until set.  Serve!

Yes! It really is as simple as that! Mrs. Fyfe brought in her Ice Cream Maker today and we let it mix in that for about 15 minutes before pouring the mixture into a bowl & putting it in the freezer for a few hours!
So - what did the children think about it?  About 95% of the children actually tried it & about half gave it the thumbs up with some deciding that seconds would be very nice!  All the staff decided that it was a winning recipe & even a few of our families who tasted some of the leftovers gave it the thumbs up too!
The children & families of East Sale Kindergarten would like to express our gratitude for the wonderful learning opportunities that the 'Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit' program has provided us with.  We look forward to continued use of the educational resources in the coming months & years ahead AS WELL AS us participating in the program again in the future as well!
Mrs. Fyfe, Mrs. Murray & Denise

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