Thursday 1 November 2012

Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit

Our new 'Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit' poster on the wall is certainly getting some wonderful language happening with the children. The poster is the perfect compliment to one of our favourite songs - 'Rainbow Lunch' - 'Stay & Play' CD - which our children absolutely love! You can actually check out the lyrics to the song here!

The children have been curious about some of the fruits or vegetables that they don't recognise and there has even been lots of discussion about different ways they like to eat the foods too - fresh, chopped up in salads, in pizzas or even in soups!
We've been doing a little sorting of fruits & vegetables - we've some plastic ones that we've been looking at BUT we're also going to add a few fresh ones to examine as well!

Our most special activity today though was making Guacamole, which we served with freshly cut up carrot & celery sticks! It was so delicious! There certainly wasn't a great deal left on any of the plates at the end of the day that's for sure!

Included in the 'Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit' Resource Kit was a terrific mini recipe book that the children took much delight looking through AND decided that they'd love to make some Avocado Ice-Cream! Yes indeed! So . . . guess what we are going to make next week! Stay tuned for an update on how that goes!

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