Monday 22 October 2012

Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit

East Sale Kindergarten has been chosen to participate in a new program to encourage young children to try new veggie-type foods called Eating My Colourful Vegies & Fruit.  The program provides an Avocado sampler of sensory food learning experiences for children aged 3 – 5 years.  Children at East Sale Kindergarten will be exploring, making & sharing Avocados and other mainly green veggies & fruit over the next few weeks.

The program has been provided by Avocado growers of Australia and samples of Avocados will be available for children to investigate, taste & cook with.

Avocados are a great way to get young children eating vegie-type foods.  They’re extremely healthy & their smooth creamy texture is something young & old love eating.

Children’s energy needs dramatically increase because of their rapid growth & high activity levels.  That’s why it is important to add high-energy foods to their diet, without increasing their intake of less nutritious food.  Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats and are a brilliant source of energy and also offer many other health benefits to active, growing bodies!
Mrs. Fyfe

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