Saturday 31 March 2012


Staff at East Sale Kindergarten have been brainstorming ways children can share their home / family life with us.  So many things can happen in your family lives that play such an important part of your child’s life and we’d love for your child to be able to share them with one another.

So . . . on the very first day of Term 2 for your child, we’d like for all families to send along a photo of what you did in the holidays to go on our Kindergarten Family Wall.  Your child will be given the opportunity to share the story that goes with the photo and we hope that our wall gives our families a feeling of connection to our Centre!  Our Kindergarten Family Wall will be your wall – a place that your child can share things that are important them – it might be a photo or two, a postcard or even a special drawing that your child has done!
We look forward to seeing & hearing what your family does over the holidays and can’t wait to share our adventures too!
On behalf of us all, we’d like to wish you & your family a very Happy Easter and a safe & relaxing Holiday break.
We look forward to seeing you all back for the start of Term 2 on Tuesday April 17th - 4 Year Olds AND Friday April 20th - 3 Year Olds.

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