Tuesday 28 February 2012

4 Year Old Program

Well – what a start to the Kindergarten year we have enjoyed!  The children have responded well to settling into our Kindergarten routine and it has been wonderful to see some fantastic friendships already forming!
As some of you might have already been seeing from what is on display in our Learning Journal which you’ll find near the ‘Sign-In Attendance Book’ every day, is that the children are really directing the path on which our Early Childhood Program travels.

We began the year talking about what we did over the holidays and looking at the beach & sea life.  We’ve played with water and learnt about pouring, filling, tipping, movement, full, empty and other such mathematical concepts. We’ve role played being firemen after seeing the RAAF Base Fire Truck stop at a building we could view from our playground.
We’ve sung songs, danced and played new games – our favourite at the moment being ‘Doggy Doggy Who’s Got The Bone’.  We’ve cooked Pancakes, learnt about Kaleidoscopes and found lots of Mini-Beasts in our garden – we’ve even set up a home for them inside and we have lots of Millipedes too!

We’re learning a lot about sharing & taking turns – not only with the toys that we have at Kindergarten BUT also with everyone who is at East Sale Kindergarten!  Did you know that Mrs. Fyfe, Mrs. Murray & Denise can’t hear us all if we all talk at once? *grin* We’re all learning that we need to wait for our turn and that it’s important to listen to what others have to say so that they will then listen to us when we have stories to tell too!
We’ve learnt so much already . . . I wonder what we’ll learn about next?

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