Wednesday 7 December 2011

Kids Alive - Water Safety Lessons

Drowning is the greatest cause of accidental death in children under five in Australia.  Each week, on average, one child drowns.

In 1988 to combat Drowning, Laurie Lawrence created the Kids Alive - Do The Five Water Safety Program.  The Kids Alive Community Service Program educates the public on five important steps to reduce the risk of Pre-School drowning.

Kids Alive - Do The Five!
  1. Fence The Pool
  2. Shut The Gate
  3. Teach Your Kids To Swim - It's Great
  4. Supervise - Watch Your Mate, AND
  5. Learn How To Resuscitate
This summer, to combat drowning, Laurie Lawrence will use the internet, to give 5 FREE Water Safety Lessons to all parents across Australia. The five FREE lessons are designed for parents with children under the age of five and are communicated via an online interactive learning program.

For more information, visit Kids Alive, scroll down and follow the link to the 5 FREE Water Safety Lessons

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